Monday 20 September
1100 | Registration in Grey College | |
1230 | Lunch | |
1355-1400 | Hajo Broersma | Welcome |
1400-1500 | Dieter Kratsch | Exact exponential algorithms. Abstract (html). |
1500-1530 | Mumtaz Ahmad | Sequential computation of mappings over the field and set of integers. Abstract (html). |
Tea/Coffee | ||
1600-1700 | Rahul Santhanam | Beating brute force search for formula satisfiability and QBF validity. Abstract (html). |
1700-1730 | Christian Lavault | A note on an extension of Prufer’s encoding for a forest of uniform hypertrees. Abstract (html). |
1830 | Dinner |
Tuesday 21 September
0800-0900 | Breakfast | |
0930-1030 | Bill Jackson | Constructing long cycles in graphs. Abstract (html). |
Tea/Coffee | ||
1100-1130 | Alexei Vernitski | Astral graphs as a generalisation of star graphs and decomposing graphs into astral graphs. Abstract (html) |
1130-1200 | Alexander Tiskin | Approximate matching in grammar-compressed strings. Abstract (html). |
1200-1230 | Barnaby Martin | The complexity of positive equality-free first-order logic. Abstract (html). |
1230 | Lunch | |
1400-1500 | Sarah Rees | Using automata in geometric group theory. Abstract (html). |
1500-1530 | Standa Zivny | Hybrid tractability of soft constraint problems. Abstract (html). |
Tea/Coffee | ||
1600-1630 | Angelica Pachon | The decimation process in random k-SAT. Abstract (html). Slides (pdf). |
1630-1700 | Manuel Sorge | A parameterized view on Golomb ruler construction. Abstract (html). |
1830 | Dinner |
Wednesday 22 September
0800-0900 | Breakfast | |
0930-1030 | Amin Coja-Oghlan | Phase transitions and computational complexity. Abstract (html). |
Tea/Coffee | ||
1100-1130 | Chiranjit Chakraborty | Instance compression for the polynomial hierarchy and beyond. Abstract (html). |
1130-1200 | Paul Haynes | Dynamic graph-based search in unknown environments. Abstract (html). |
1200-1230 | Ross Kang | Induced matchings in subcubic planar graphs. Abstract (html). |
1230 | Lunch |